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Showing posts from October, 2008

Canyon Lake/Tortilla Flat

So the Mr. and I took a little drive yesterday with the twiners out to Canyon Lake.  I was so beautiful and I'm sure glad I grabbed my camera at the last minute.  The day was so much fun but Samantha was definitely missed; we feel so guilty taking advantage of her being in school for most of the day, but if we didn't the babies would only know the inside walls of our home. A quick snap out my passenger window driving through the canyon. Lunch at Tortilla Flat - the cutest little "town" and restaurant.   (Dad, you remember this place from your last visit to AZ?) Every inch, every milimeter on the inside walls of the restaurant are covered in $1 bills that people have signed or doodled on.  It's quite amusing to read some and to see people's "artwork"... here are a few that were next to our table that I thought were funny... A couple of funny signs on the exterior of the restaurant...

Swimming in October... only in Arizona!!

Yep, you heard right... swimming in October !! Don't get me wrong the water was very cold, but for some reason when you're 2 and 5 years old water temperature is one of the few things that will stop you from swimming when mom & dad give you the 'OK, go ahead'. This is Samantha after her dad "gently" pushed her into the water... Brody with his strategically placed bucket...

Some photo fun...

A couple weekends ago we went to scout out some new, unique photo locations and I got these interesting shots... This one's for you Dad... 

Who's helping who...

The other day Scott had to fix the 2 burnt out headlights on the van so he opened up the garage and had the babies come out to help him.  Well, I don't know who is helping who, but the kiddos sure did have a good time fixin' the car.

Born in the USA, doing the best that I can...

OK, so to some the title of this post may seem weird... to others (and you know who you are) this is very fitting. Sometimes I loose sight of the end goal and forget to remind myself that I am doing the best that I can.  I absolutely ADORE my children and they are the light of my life... but they're rascals through and through...  This post is to remind me that 5 year olds ARE sassy, goofy, and completely brilliant and that 2 year old twins LOVE dirt and sticky foods and that without a doubt will always misbehave when I absolutely need them to be at their very best. Some pics from our weekend at Forrest Lakes...

Elk anyone?

So this post is for Scott... to all the men...  ' What a rack '!! We were in Forrest Lakes this weekend at his sister's cabin and on our way home every car in front of us started pulling off the side of the road - naturally we assumed it was an accident up ahead and that everyone was deciding to sit tight for the long wait.  Well as we slowly got closer we happened to see what everyone was gawking at... this fantastic elk about 10feet off the side of the road having some dinner and posing for pics. Without waiting for the car to come to a complete stop, I grabbed my camera and hopped out to snap a couple of good shots... as it was I was still a good distance away, but this animal was beautiful and worth it. More pics of the kids to come...

Mission: Organization

Here is our New & Improved office... just about 95% complete. I'm just too excited to share the pics so rather then wait til it's 100% complete (there are still 2 more items to be built - a small file drawer cabinet and another piece I'm going to use to store my sewing machine - both of which will fit nicely underneath my work surface) here are some pics to preview. Go ahead, soak it all in... it takes a second :-) We still have some cord maintenance to take care of as well (looks like a bunch of spaghetti right now) and an ugly brown chair that needs to be put out of its misery. This is my new work surface area... YA-HOO ... I have a work surface now... who knew! Samantha & Scott's desk... Scott's computer is like the mini-me version of Sam and mine's.  It's kinda funny that Sam's computer is a bit bigger/better than her dad's.  Tough break kid!! There are so few words to describe how amazing this shelving unit is... it takes my breath aw