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To blog or not to blog...

... that is the question?? Really, I feel like life lately has been pretty steady and uneventful - not much to blog about. Don't get me wrong, 2.5 year old twins do keep me busy, but no major event to report on. So I will share a thought... the other day Scott asked me a question and while I was in a less than talkative mood to really discuss the answer at any real length, it's frightful how in sync and in-tune to each other we really are.

The question was, what were some of my favorite childhood memories growing up. Now the reason this question took me back a bit was because as of late I have been thinking what are things I can do for my children to give them lasting memories and what were some of the moments I remember with my family. Bizarre... I know!

So since my mom and dad are frequent visitors here, I will say this... I love and adore my childhood! And yes, I can easily say that in retrospect because, yes it was less than perfect, but without a doubt it has shaped me to be the person I am today.

The reason I've been thinking so much about memories lately is because I am realizing that Sam is now at an age where she will begin to remember moments and events for maybe the rest of her life - scary, I know - but what is it that she is going to remember. We certainly don't have the funds to spurge on lavish vacations (getaways to San Diego where we under-budget our trip and are force to eat power bars all weekend will have to do), or mounds of material items. But, I am hoping that the special one-on-one time that we spend with each of our babies will be the memories that they cherish and hold on to forever.

I specifically remember two precious memories growing up that I will never forget... Thanks Mom and Thanks Dad!

The first was when my mom, brother and I were driving from the bay area to SLC, UT and we were traveling through the Sierra Mtns. My mom is the BEST person to travel with! There wasn't anything she didn't think of... to this day I would take her with me on every trip if Scott would let me. So, there I am bundled up in my favorite blanket in the back seat of our Pontiac Grand Am about to chow down on some chips and salsa. I curiously ask my mom if it's usual that the bag of chips be so swollen and blown up with air. Without so much of a glance back at me she quickly replies... Yes, the stores do that all the time so that the chips won't get crushed. I innocently shrugged my shoulders not giving it a second more of thought. I reached into the cooler, grabbed the tupperware of salsa set it on my lap and.... BOOM!!! The salsa and chips exploded all over me! The altitude and pressure of the Sierra Mtns. forced the chip bag and tupperware to burst showering me in salsa. Good times!!

Then my other favorite memory was the time my Dad picked up my brother and I to go camping for the weekend. He had one of those camper vans (creeping now, but cool back then) and we needed to pick up some things at the store... Thrifty's I might add. We grab the goods and headed back to the car, got in, buckled up and... the van wouldn't start. I don't remember exactly how long my Dad tried to get it to work - but it became dark quick so we decided that the Thrifty's parking lot would have to suffice for our camping excursion - and so we did it... we camped (well, camper camped) in the Thrifty's parking lot! I can't speak for my brother, but I know that I had so much fun on that weekend. And, if I'm not mistaken that might have been the trip where "slop" was invented. Now slop probably has a much tastier name in other family's kitchens, but slop was cream of mushroom soup and cream of spinach. It was a tasty dinner :-)

I'm sure it's no coincidence that two of my most favorite, treasured memories had nothing to do with how much money was being spent for vacations or things that were being bought... but rather the time that was being spent with my family. That is what I hope I can give to my own family.

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