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Let's see, what else have we been doing...

I just realized that it's been almost a month since I last posted something... shame on me.

It's probably the fact that I feel like I'm treading water in order to just barely keep my head up which has kept me from doing any sort of posting or journaling... whoever said the "2's" are terrible never had a 3 year old (x2). These little creatures are just about the biggest stinkers right now - our poor house is in this constant state of filth to the point where I'm ready to burn it down and start all over. If any of us pull out of this stage alive and intact I will consider it the greatest victory of all. And, if by some stroke of luck or miracle the twins grow up and find it in their hearts to love each other and be decent to each other, I will consider it the greatest Mom victory of all.

I did read on Facebook somewhere that one of my friends was starting a new discipline tactic - for every time there is a quarrel or fight between siblings each has to do a chore. Now why didn't I think of that!! At the rate my kids fight I could have a clean house by 9AM tomorrow.

Actually, this week is spring break and so far it's been really nice having Sam home, however she is already counting down the days till she gets to go back to school (and I can't say that I blame her). During one of our many car rides today she said she had 3 reasons for wanting to go back to school ASAP (her words, not mine)... 1) to show her friends her missing tooth, 2) to see her teacher and 3) because she has the greatest friends and can't wait to see them again. Oh, to be 7 again!

Quick family update...
Scott has been working his tail off lately; he's even been training new hire nurses - not too bad for someone who's only been a nurse for less than 2 years - he must be doing something right. He loves his job so much and I know first hand that they absolutely adore him. Hopefully in the next few months he will start training to be a Team Leader - it doesn't mean more $$, but it's exactly what he needs to start segueing into management which will hopefully lead to more $$.

Sam is quite the big reader. For Christmas she received the book 'Diary of a Whimpy Kid' and it wasn't until she saw the previews for the upcoming movie has she decided to read it before she sees the movie. She really likes that book and it actually is pretty funny, however being the uptight mom that I am I'm not a big fan of some of the language in the book (moron, idiot, jerk, etc.). But, I have taught my girl well so she knows NOT to read those words, but instead use similar 'not-so-harsh' words - ie, instead of jerk she'll say "mean kid"... or something like that.

Brody has proven to me that boys can be potty trained. For the longest time I really was thinking I was going to have to send this kid off on his mission still in a diaper - I had really lost all hope. And actually looking back and comparing potty training timelines, Brody was a lot faster than Brooke. Once he understood the concept the lightbulb went of and he just 'got it'. Soooooo, this is what a house with no diapers feels like.... yeah, I'm liking this!

Brooke is 3 going on 13 and oh how I wish I was the least bit exaggerating. This pint size peanut is quite the prima ballerina and so help me if I do not get her into any sort of dance class, well then I will have lost my chance at a meal ticket. She has the most amazing grace and poise and without a doubt is going places. Mark my words!

And as for me, well... besides the usual photography (also known as 'mom, why do you spend so much time on the computer') I've been doing lots of soul searching on grudges and forgiveness and love and patience. It's interesting how it takes so much energy to hold a grudge, how you have to actually exert effort and time and conscious thoughts to holding a grudge and to not forgive. Most likely the person you're not forgiving or holding a grudge against doesn't even know you have a grudge against them. Think of all that wasted time and energy and ill thoughts about someone that doesn't even know it's happening. Life is waaaaaay too short to have grudges and to not forgive. It is so hard sometimes to forgive - and the cynical side of me never wants to be the first to admit wrong doing or to offer an apology, but in the end if it can save me a wrinkle or a frown line or two, I consider it worth it. I want to make the best and most of my time here, I really don't want it wasted on issues the other person knows nothing of.

I'm surrounded by one of the most positive human beings I have ever met, Scott. He is just an amazing example of love and patience and for the last 11 years it seems like I've been working hard to prove to him that people are bad and rarely have good intentions (yeah, I know, I need to see a shrink) but what I should have been doing is instead let him teach me to see the good in everyone and to forgive those that trespass us. So, in my late hour blogging - aka drunk-blogging - I want to resolve that I will embrace all the relationships in my life and not let them slip by or dissolve away due to missundertandings and grudges. It's just not worth it.

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