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When do babies stop being babies??

Well, I don't have the answer, but I'm sure it's right around their 3rd birthday, which just so happen to be yesterday... July 7th!

It's not like they grew overnight and just became "big kids" all of a sudden, I know this has been in the works for a long time - all eternity, to be exact. But somehow it still seems to catch me off guard. Thank goodness the twins' size keeps me in belief (as misleading as it is) that they are, in fact, my babies.

So to mark this momentous occasion I just want to note - for journaling and posterity sake - a few things about my-so-called babies...

Brody is a boy through and through! Rough and tough and teases his sisters so relentlessly. He is so willing and eager to be my helper boy - when you can catch him in the right mood. This time last year he hated swimming in the pool and now he's the biggest fish of all. He is incredibly smart but has the hardest time saying what he means. I know his speech will catch up, but until then, I count myself one of the lucky ones who can actually understand what he is saying. Just spend some time with this kid and you, too will see that his mind is like no one elses - he has this innate need to figure out how things are put together, how they work, what the parts do, etc... now, if I can just channel that mind for good!! His kisses are the BEST and his hugs are the tightest. He is the perfect example why boys are so easy and fun to raise and I could not imagine my life without this little man!

Brooke is the epitome of dainty, sweet with a whole lotta sass!! She's a little pistol so don't ever let her size fool you. That girl has such a big heart and a tender spirit. She is the only one who WANTS to say prayers and gets mad if we don't choose her. She absolutely idolizes her big sister and even when Sam yells and screams at her, she keeps coming back for more and never lets it get to her. She always wants to be out and about (just like her mom) and would much rather be in a hot car driving around to take care of the most mundane errands than to sit at home. She loves to sing and dance and any time there is music on in our house you can usually find her dancing and bopping around. And just in the last few weeks she has developed a love for puzzles; they are challenging to her and she really enjoys seeing everything come together. Last but not least, she is my little fighter.

I had a thought/dream the other day about how she came to us. When I was just barely pregnant with the twins (maybe just 1-2 weeks pregnant) I had an ultrasound to confirm that I was in fact pregnant and we found out that we had twins. Scott and I both started to sob; we were beyond thrilled, excited and scared to death. At the time of the ultrasound the doc noted that one of the twins was not appearing to be as big as it should be and the heartbeat was undetectable and so while we were excited that we HAD twins, we would have to come back for another ultrasound to be sure the other twin would thrive and develop a heartbeat, or to be sure that if the twin did not make it that it would absorb/dissolve away with no further complications to me. At this same time, our fertility doc had reminded us about selective reduction - the act of reducing the number of fetuses ONLY if it was to pose a SERIOUS FATAL threat to me or the other thriving fetus. I think of this because that non-thriving, little tiny, itty-bitty fetus was our Brooke. And what if we had to "selectively reduce" her? What if she had never made it to us? What if we never had a chance to meet this little spirit...? I can't imagine a Brody without a Brooke, I can't even begin to think what life would be like without her. Well, I am just grateful that of course, prayers are answered, we trusted that it would work out and that she would make it to us healthy, happy and completely perfect!

And 3 years later I'm still madly in love with my babies...

This was something fun I did for the twins... I hung about 75 pictures of the babes from the time they were born til now, so when they woke up and walked out of their room in the morning, this is what they saw. The absolutely loved it and love to see all the different pictures of themselves from when they were real "babies".

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