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Our little fish!!

Here is Sam at this week's swim meet, which was the backstroke - her absolute favorite right now.

This first pic is of her just before her first swim which was the backstroke sprint.

And here is the video of her race...

There was a little snafu at the end with her ribbon. She was presented with an 8th place ribbon and while she clearly didn't win top 4, she certainly wasn't dead last. Even the group of other moms I was sitting near all said that there was no way Sam touched last. So, being the vigilante mother than I am, I calmly walked over to the judges area an asked to know what place my daughter finished in, to which they replied 6th. Ahhhh yes, much better. It seems the blind fellow at the end of her lane passing out the ribbons likes to arbitrarily hand out whatever color ribbon he's feeling in the mood to give out... shame on you mister... get some glasses. Sam's face as she was handed the 8th place ribbon was so sad. When I asked her what happen she said she didn't know and that she didn't think she was in last place. Have no fear baby, mama's to the rescue!

And finally here are just a few still shots of her in her relay race. Her team placed 4th!

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