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The Herrick Family Vacation - 2010 [part 3b]

My sincerest apologies for that very long dramatic pause between posts. It would seem that you should NEVER solely rely on your external hard drive as your ONLY form of data back up. I escaped this potential devastating loss with a whole new appreciation and outlook on data back up.

Any whoooo... on with the vacation recap and photos...

We were lucky to see my folks again one last time before we headed home. My bro made an amazing dinner for us all and we had loads of fun watching the kiddos play.

Once Sam spotted my bro's skateboard there was no way you could pry her away from it...she was hooked on trying to master a 360 spin and a couple other tricks her dad was all to proud to show her "how it's done". Then there was Brooke who I'm pretty sure tried to sneak her cousins Razor scooter into her luggage to take home...that's how much she loved scootin' around their yard.

How many kids can say their cool uncle has an actual recording studio?? Not many... Sam was uber impressed and wanted to spend every second of the day in the studio - just watching and playing. My bro was beyond gracious to spend some time with her to help her record some music. The girl could not stop grinning...I'm anxious to get my hands on that music when my bro & his family come to visit in a few weeks.

The weather was so nice that I was ecstatic to see my kids walk into the house and head straight for the backyard...we never see that at our house. ;-)

I don't know what it is about my nephews, but they sure have a way with facial expressions. My kids kept calling baby Z... 'freaky-eyeball-baby' because he would sit and stare at the kids with these huge, wide eyes. It was quite adorable.
The photo on the left is baby Z during our visit and the photo on the right is one I took of lil man J when he was just a few weeks absolute favorite of mine...cracks me up!

Of course no trip would be complete without the self-timer group photo...

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