Answer me this... why is it that you can be so concerned about something with your child - to the point that it keeps you up at night - so you finally make an appointment to address the situation only to be practically laughed at and told that your child is perfect, smart and totally cool??!! Since I have twins - and probably more so because they are boy/girl twins - it is easy to "compare" and see the milestones that one accomplishes before the other. Sam was pure and simple a child prodigy when I birthed her - but we may be biased ;-) Brooke exudes those same traits - speaking, fine motor skills, social behaviors - just like her big sister. Our B-boy is such a drummer to his own beat that for the longest time I was convinced he would be enrolled in one of those "gifted and special" programs. So, to rest my mind at ease I scheduled the evaluation appointment with the education specialist and today was the day. But plain and simple he is a ROCKSTAR kid who is i...