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My boy's gonna be all right...

Answer me this... why is it that you can be so concerned about something with your child - to the point that it keeps you up at night - so you finally make an appointment to address the situation only to be practically laughed at and told that your child is perfect, smart and totally cool??!!

Since I have twins - and probably more so because they are boy/girl twins - it is easy to "compare" and see the milestones that one accomplishes before the other. Sam was pure and simple a child prodigy when I birthed her - but we may be biased ;-) Brooke exudes those same traits - speaking, fine motor skills, social behaviors - just like her big sister. Our B-boy is such a drummer to his own beat that for the longest time I was convinced he would be enrolled in one of those "gifted and special" programs. So, to rest my mind at ease I scheduled the evaluation appointment with the education specialist and today was the day.

But plain and simple he is a ROCKSTAR kid who is intelligent, creative, insanely funny and just the best little stud around. He can somehow act like a big goof at home but the minute we get to the testing center he kicked the charm into full gear and had everyone eating out of his hand... almost to the point that I thought the folks there were ready to have us, the parents, tested to see if we were the crazy ones.

At one point the specialist conducting the series of tests (colors, shapes, listening, speaking, etc.) asked the Brod-man to count the blocks as he put them in a bag. We're still working on this at home; he knows his numbers just not always the order in which they should go in. So after he started counting 1, 2, 6, 8, 3 the specialist said over him 1, 2, 3, and then Brody continued right on after her with cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez. What the heck??!! He couldn't count in English for the lady but he sure as heck could count in perfect Spanish for her?! They probably thought it was a joke when I listed that English is our primary language... yeah right! Stinkin' Dora and Diego!

But in the end, my boy's gonna be all right!!

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